23 dec pra java coding question solution. Question: Create the class Student with below attributes. id-int name-String marks-int age-int write getters and setters and parametrized constructor in Student class. Create class Solution with main method. implement 2 static methods-findStudentWithMaximumAge and searchStudentById in Solution class. findStudentWithMaximumAge method: This method will take the Array of the Students objects as input and returns the Student object having maximum Age. For this method,the main method should print the student object details with maximum age as it is. searchStudentById method: This method will take 2 input parameters.Array of the Students objects and an int value id.and returns the Student object having the mentioned id if found, else return null if not found. For this method ,main method should print the details of Student objects as it is,if the returned value is not null....