Q2. Create the class RRT(Rapid response team) with the below attributes: ticketNo-int raisedBy-String assignedTo-String priority-int project-String All attributes should be private,write getters and setters and parameterized constructor as required. Create class MyClass with main method. Implement a static method-getHighestPriorityTicket in MyClass class. getHighestPriorityTicket method: This method will take an array of RRT objects ,and a String value as parameters.This method will return the RRT object with highest priority ticket from the array of the RRT objects for the given project(String parameter passed).Highest priority is the one which has lesser value. for example:1 is considered as high priority and 5 is considered as low priority. If no RRT with the above condition is present in the array of the RRT objects,then the method should return null. The main method should print the ticketNo,rai...